I support women to reclaim their clarity, confidence and control

Transformative coaching conversations that will empower you to reconnect and realign with what you truly want so you feel free to enjoy a fulfilling life and career on your terms.

Does this sound familiar?

Feeling Stuck

At the end of a hectic week, you pour a large glass of wine and contemplate if there’s more to life than this endless circus of juggling and firefighting. You yearn for change, but don’t know where to start. The options of a new job (same-shit-different-office), a risky leap, or starting anew seem equally daunting, leaving you paralysed by indecision.

Doubting Yourself

One moment, you wonder how you ended up where you are. The next, you convince yourself it’s not that bad… is the job really the problem or just an easy scapegoat? Yet deep down you’re yearning for something more. It’s like a constant tug-of-war between what you think you ‘should’ want and what you truly desire… if only you’d allow yourself to go there.

Caught In The Grind

You might ‘have it all’ on paper, but you can’t shake the feeling that you’re just treading water, buried in busyness. Despite all your daily achievements and successful juggling, that sense of satisfaction remains elusive. You keep pushing through, waiting for things to get better. But a lingering fear whispers: ‘Will I later regret wishing the time away…?’

Frazzled & Fatigued

Are you constantly spinning plates, only to flop on the sofa at the end of the day utterly depleted? The relentless pressure to deliver – both self-imposed and external – clouds your clarity and erodes your confidence. You’re left questioning whether pushing for meaningful change is worth the effort when you’re already running on fumes.

What if your days looked like this instead?


Imagine waking up in the morning feeling excited to start your day with work that lights you up inside. No more Sunday Scaries feeling stuck in a job that drains your energy.


As you get ready for the day, you feel self-assured and excited, immersed in a project you care about and trusting you can navigate any challenges.


As you enjoy a leisurely post-lunch stroll, you feel calm and centred, like you’re finally living in a way that feels right for you, without any nagging doubts or second-guessing yourself.


At the end of the day you close your laptop on time and leave work guilt-free, energised, and satisfied that your workday was well-spent, and your whole life feels fuller.


Meeting a friend for a drink, you feel animated and not-at-all-boring as you share the exciting interests, ideas and new opportunities you’ve been exploring recently.


You get home, shrug off your coat, dump your bag, and sink into the sofa feeling pleasantly tired but present, chatting with loved ones about your day.


Climbing into bed, you drift off to sleep with a sigh of contentment, feeling grateful and proud of the choices you’ve made and the life you’re living.

Hi, I'm Kate

I get it. I've been there.

Questioning my career, feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled, and unsure what I wanted instead or how to figure it all out.



For me, it took a perfect storm of life-changing events – burnout, a global pandemic, and the grief of a profound loss – to finally give me the courage and clarity to say f*ck it and pursue what I really craved: a career and lifestyle that provided balance, flexibility, meaning and fulfilment.


From personal experience, I know that figuring out the “what” and the “how” is never easy. But I’ve also learned that you don’t need to have all the answers right away… you just need to trust that you will find them.



Now, as a transformational coach, I’m passionate about helping women discover, embrace and pursue what they truly want – on their own terms and timescales, without a crisis forcing their hand.



I offer a warm, supportive space where we can have open, collaborative conversations that help you gain clarity on what you really want, build your confidence, and map out actionable steps towards a life and career that bring you joy and fulfilment.

If that’s something you’re ready for, let’s chat.

Kind words from clients

“Coaching with Kate has been one of the best things I've done in a long time! Each session I learned new things about myself, had insightful takeaways and was able to implement new ways to reframe situations immediately. Kate is both calm & warm which helped me to unearth layers of unhelpful thought patterns, all the while making me confident that the space I was in was safe & non-judgmental. I highly recommend Kate for coaching for anything and everything! You will not regret it.”
“I started working with Kate in a very strange time of my life. In my mid 30's, I returned to my career after taking a year out for mental health reasons. I was unsure when I returned to my career if it was actually what I wanted anymore and needed to figure out if it was it or me! Kate has helped me remove the brain fog so I could move forward with my new ideas. For the first time in years I feel creative and inspired again! She has helped me to believe in my capabilities as a business owner and also helped me become more confident in my personal life. I couldn't recommend Kate highly enough. She's calm and pragmatic but isn't scared to ask the nitty gritty questions to get you thinking! Thank you Kate, here's to the future!”
“Coaching with Kate was an incredibly insightful experience. I am getting ready to returning to work from my parental leave and have felt overwhelmed by decisions I thought I needed to make now. Though talking to Kate and having her reflect back my ramblings in a concise and considered manner has helped slow down my mind and take stock highlighting that decisions don't have to be made at such a break neck speed. Her approach is warm and encouraging with clear direction and insightful reflections. She is a fantastic coach and I would encourage everyone to work with her.”
“It has been a privilege to work with Kate. Her ability to build a trusting, calm and safe space has allowed me to be vulnerable, to cry and to begin to rebuild. Kate has given me tangible solutions to overcome barriers and to be kind to myself as I evolve personally and professionally. If you do one thing today, sign up to work with Kate, she is phenomenal.”

Happy Clients

Clients have described the experience of working with me as…


supportive, considerate, challenging, empowering, freeing, personal, warm, impactful, focussed, kind, effective, subtle, calming, thought-provoking, reassuring, grounding, insightful, truthful, enlightening, deep, exploratory, helpful, revolutionary, profound, transformative.


The Blog

Check out the blog for insights, reflections and resources.

25th April 2023

Let’s talk about progress

Confidence, Space, and being Upfront