— Work with me

How I can help

What brings you here?

Challenges might include:
I have supported women with:

What might you gain?

Untangling the confusion, indecision and overwhelm to get clear on what you want, and what needs to happen to get you there.

Setting goals, identifying manageable tasks, and using your new insights to forge a path, step by step, towards a life that is more aligned to who you are and what you want.

More belief in your abilities and yourself, with greater resolve to reach your goals. You will galvanise your sense of agency over your life and start to make the choices and changes (big and tiny) that light you up and accumulate to transform how you feel about your life and yourself.

A better understanding of yourself and your inner world, what’s truly important to you at your core, and the way you see the world around you. Identifying your strengths, talents, values and priorities, as well as any repeating patterns, blocks, and limiting beliefs and behaviours in order to make positive change possible.

You will notice your mindset shift around yourself, your life and the situations and challenges you find yourself in. You’ll feel more positive and resilient towards external challenges and more self-compassionate and grounded within yourself, improving your self-esteem, and your relationship with yourself and with those around you.

Kind Words from Happy Clients

“I wholeheartedly recommend coaching with Kate. She creates a brilliant, supportive space for discussion, effective self-reflection and clear next steps. She is generous with her time and expertise, and tailors the session to meet what you most need from coaching. Thank you, Kate!”
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“It has been a privilege to work with Kate. Her ability to build a trusting, calm and safe space has allowed me to be vulnerable, to cry and to begin to rebuild. Kate has given me tangible solutions to overcome barriers and to be kind to myself as I evolve personally and professionally. If you do one thing today, sign up to work with Kate, she is phenomenal.”
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"In one session with Kate it feels like a weight has been lifted. She helped me pinpoint patterns in my thoughts and behaviour that were affecting different areas of my life. By understanding why things have been difficult of late, she helped me realise my self-compassion needed a boost and that I can stop questioning everything I'm doing. Simply talking it through with Kate's guidance helped me drill down on my issue and I have some key takeaways to help me. After the session I felt relieved and hopeful and those feelings are still with me. Thank you Kate!”
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"The coaching session with Kate came at a time which worked extremely well for me. I have found myself at a bit of a cross roads with goal setting for 2023 and closing out 2022. I was able to use this coaching session to reflect, and Kate's coaching style meant that I felt supported, but also empowered, Kate comes across as warm and personal which meant I trusted her immediately and I was able to use her to provide a level of challenge and focus which I needed. Thank you Kate"
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“I felt at ease with Kate quickly. She has a warm and attentive presence. She is a skilled coach asking good questions whilst allowing me the space to get to new understandings at my own pace. In one session talking to Kate helped me to reframe something that has been a big problem for me.”
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Let's talk

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