— Work with me

Coaching Packages

Kick Start Package

Perfect for those who have a specific, defined goal and want to gain quick momentum and immediate progress within a short timeframe.


Over 6 weeks, we’ll get laser-focused on your key goal, identifying the most significant roadblocks that are holding you back, whether mental, emotional, or practical. You’ll face challenges head-on, and take actionable steps to create quick wins that will help you see quick progress and boost confidence.

By the end of the 6 weeks, you’ll have crystal clarity around your direction, a clear plan of action equipped with strategies to overcome obstacles, and a renewed sense of confidence to continue your progress independently.

Investment: £360

Momentum Package

Best suited for those seeking clarity and meaningful change over a mid-term timeframe, but need more time to explore and refine their goals. Ideal for a balance of in-depth exploration and tangible action.


Over 3 months, we’ll dive deeper into where you’re stuck, taking time to understand your challenges and refine your vision. We’ll create actionable steps to help you move forward, with sessions that are flexible and focused on your evolving needs

You’ll walk away with a clear sense of direction, greater self-awareness, and the sustainable momentum needed to continue your growth long after our time together.

Investment: £510

Transformation Package

Designed for those feeling really stuck and unclear around their vision for the future, or navigating more complex changes, and are seeking a deep, transformative experience that takes time and consistent reflection.


With 6 months together, we’ll embark on a deeper exploration of your aspirations and the roadblocks in your way, fostering meaningful self-discovery. The extended timeframe supports you to fully integrate new insights and create lasting change with consistent reflection and action. We’ll have the space to navigate life’s twists and turns, ensuring you stay on track toward a more intentional and fulfilling future.


You’ll gain a deeper understanding of yourself, where you’re heading and how you’ll get there, with clear goals and the tools to implement and maintain positive, sustainable change.

Investment: £900